09 June 2010


Lima, Perú is unlike any place I have ever been to before. La ciudad is similar to many major cities in the EEUU (USA), in regards to spatial layout. Like Boston neighborhoods or New York boroughs, Lima is comprised of "districtos." Estoy viviendo en el districto Miraflores. During my stay here, I will be enrolled in an español class two days a week at la Universidad del Pacífico (UP) and I'll be volunteering with Fundades dos días de la semana. I am planning on traveling to Machu Picchu, Iquitos, Piura, and Arequipa. In the mean time, you can brush up on your history of Peru. Ciao!

06 June 2010

Last Meal in EEUU

I figured that my last meal should serve as a transitional meal... something that would guide me away from the hyper-calorie packed dishes, towards a cuisine of indigenous and European influence . My grand selection: a warm tortilla, black beans, rice, free-range chicken, salsa, guacamole, and lettuce - a heavenly Chipotle burrito. Though Chipotle is a sad excuse for hispanic-styled food, it's one step closer to Peruvian food and meal styles. I mean, what's a better way to transition from American food and get your daily caloric intake in one meal?