18 June 2010

La ciudad de los niños

In addition to the spanish course I am enrolled in at la Universidad del Pacífico, I volunteer with Fundades at la ciudad de los niños. La ciudad de los niños is located in San Juan de Miraflores, dos districtos south of where I live and serves as a city within a city for the boys. Within the city there is a farm with chickens and pigs, as well as various crops. There are also different tallers (workshops) where the boys can learn trades, such as carpentry, mechanics, and tailoring. There are about 10 pabellones (pavilions), which serve as the houses for the boys - distinguished by age. Located right next to la ciudad is a school, kinder a escuela secundaria, which the 300+ boys from la ciudad and girls from the local area attend.
Currently, I am working with Mason, a fellow DR SCS student, and the Psychology department to assist boys who are having trouble inside the classroom. In the coming weeks, I will be leading a taller ambiental (environmental workshop) with each of the pabellones. The workshops will be focused on natural resource management, biodiversity, and pollution... all in SPANISH. (Remember: I have been speaking gringo castellano to survive. Though, with help from pisco, I have been doing fine.)

Yesterday, I Americanized some of the boys and taught them how to play "Pato, pato, ¡ganso!" You know a game is good when all of them (ranging from 6-11 years) want to be the ganso (goose) jaja.

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